Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
Important Links:
1. Fill out form
a. When you go to the website (you can save it as a PDF file, so that you always have your own copy). You fill out the form, it has check boxes, you can
check other, once it’s filled it out, save it as your own PDF file
b. Don’t wait, as soon as something happens to bullying, race, sexuality, anything that is targeted specifically, file the report
c. Parent should fill it out from their perspective based on what child is saying
d. Use buzzwords to help the process move faster:
–Child does not feel safe
–My child feels threatened
2. Send an email with principal (see below for building coordinators across ACSD) and superintendent (Dr. Dave Moyer, dmoyer@acsdny.org)
a. Attach the actual report to principal and superintendent
–Instructions will only say principal, but include superintendent as well
b. And within the body of the email say how disappointed you are (safety, threatened), write at least 2-3 sentences
c. And say something like “I expect to hear a thorough investigation being completed within 24-48 hours”
3. Other tips:
a. One parent recommended going in person after submitting the form. She said that they count on parents not being available or supporting their
children, you have to put pressure on them.
–Show up in person the next day after filing
b. Expect the runaround, but say that this is a serious situation and you will not leave until you speak to someone
–By law DASA reports must be filed, and there is public information about how many DASA resorts are filed
–After 2-3 weeks, you can check and call the Board of Regents and send it to them if they don’t know about it
ACSD DASA Building Coordinators:
School | Principals/Admin. Designee | Staff Member |
Arthur S. May School | Sheri Todd (stodd@acsdny.org) | Cindy VanDermark (cvandermark@acsdny.org) |
Beekman Elementary School | Matthew Latvis (mlatvis@acsdny.org) | Jennifer Marino (Jmarino@acsdny.org) |
Traver Road Primary School | Cara Conrad (cconrad@acsdny.org) | Scott Carruthers (scarruthers@acsdny.org) |
Joseph D’Aquanni West Rd. Intermediate School | Stacey Thames (sthames@acsdny.org) | Scott Carruthers (scarruthers@acsdny.org) |
Overlook Primary School | Jessica Wheeler (jwheeler@acsdny.org) | Laura Bagnarol (lbagnarol@acsdny.org) |
Titusville Intermediate School | Melissa Rosselli (mrosselli@acsdny.org) | Lisa Cole (lcole@acsdny.org) |
Noxon Road Elementary School | Kelly Murray (kmurray@acsdny.org) | Jennifer Marino (Jmarino@acsdny.org) |
Vail Farm Elementary School | Claudine Khare (ckhare@acsdny.org) | Susan Grencer (sgrencer@acsdny.org) |
Union Vale Middle School | Sharon LaDue (sladue@acsdny.org) | Kerrie Hart (khart1@acsdny.org) Rosanne Strouth (rstrouth@acsdny.org) |
LaGrange Middle School | Todd Richard (trichard@acsdny.org) Juan Zucchero (jzucchero@acsdny.org) | Eileen Ploetz (eploetz@acsdny.org) |
Arlington High School | Deborah Bryant (dbryant@acsdny.org) Richard Carroll (rcarroll@acsdny.org) Jeanne Desire (jdesire@acsdny.org) Donna Bolner (dbolner@acsdny.org) | Christopher Babb (cbabb@acsdny.org) |
Central Administration Office | Paul Finch (pfinch@acsdny.org) Jill Post (jpost@acsdny.org) Richard Sutton (rsutton@acsdny.org) |